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    Is it possible to use your system but not have the app sell through Quantum? I would like to handle the sales of the app myself, but to use your licensing system, is this possible?

General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Re: Licence multiple PC's with one licence key
« Last post by Damo on May 30, 2018, 02:11:11 pm »
No it's not possible to do that, 3 licences must be purchased but a licence can be moved from one PC to another easily
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Licence multiple PC's with one licence key
« Last post by Damo on May 30, 2018, 02:10:06 pm »
Hi, Is it possible to have your system work for a program that will be licensed on 3 computers at a time? I would like to have a single purchase allow for the license to be installed on 3 computers. Then if unregistered from one, that license becomes available for another installation. Basically as described on your site, except rather than 1 computer, 3 computers. Thanks, Bill
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Re: Visual studio crashes when DLL added
« Last post by Damo on May 30, 2018, 02:08:37 pm »
Visual Studio may crash if you try to debug when the DLL is added and is more prevalent in later versions of visual studio.  This is a security feature which stops snooping and tampering of the inner workings of the key system.  Only add the DLL when you have completed your software.  It should be the final stage when you are ready to release your application.  Visual studio 2013 (and possibly 2015) is less likely to have this issue so you can use that if you don't need the additional features of 2017 as it will be easier for you to develop
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Visual studio crashes when DLL added in VS2017
« Last post by Damo on May 30, 2018, 02:05:40 pm »
I'm trying to ad the DLL to Visual Studio, but its not working, and just crashes VS. Please help with any solution. Thanks!
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