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I haven't used Matlab but if you are able to use it with .Net dll files and all methods within the DLL then it may be possible although I would think it would be quite complicated to achieve.  It might be better to try to import your matlab work into a C#.Net Windows Forms application
Can Matlab compiled software be licensed and sold through ?
When I checked your upload you had not included the KMSC.dll in your zip folder.  The minimum files you need to include in your upload are KMSC.dll and the .exe file from you release folder of your built project.  There may also be other files, particularly DLL files that you have added as references to your project that should also be included in your zip file that you upload
Please give all the steps needed to reproduce the error as an an internal server error can happen for man many reasons
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / unable to add product, even after paypal verification
« Last post by IamSpartan87 on October 26, 2018, 08:46:42 pm »
Currently getting an error page: The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Re: Visual studio crashes when DLL added
« Last post by Damo on May 31, 2018, 02:07:25 pm »
Please download the latest version of the DLL to address this issue and let us know if you have any more problems.  You should now be able to add the DLL as a reference in VS2017 community edition.  You will however not be able to debug any of the LicenceKey methods as it will cause a 'fatal error' exception in VS due to the copy protection.  All you need to do is comment out the calls to LicenceCheck until you are ready to build your final release version.  At this point you can uncomment the LicenceCheck code and build the release version.  You will then be able to launch your application by running the executable from within the bin\release folder of your project and it will run as normal with the licence check included.  If this all works ok then you can replace the KMSC.dll file with the release version of the KMSC dll.  Zip the release files up and upload them to the website and all should be good.

The code you should comment out until you are ready to build the release version is this (copied from home page

LicenceCheck licenceCheck = new LicenceCheck();
if (!licenceCheck.IsClosing)
    if (licenceCheck.IsLicenceValid)
       // code to launch full version of your software
        // code to launch demo version of your software

General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Re: Visual studio crashes when DLL added
« Last post by Damo on May 31, 2018, 10:45:51 am »
Try going to your project debug or release folders and running the exe file directly and see what happens.  It should run fine like this but if you try to debug the DLL through Visual studio it should crash or throw an error because the copy-protection system will prevent it from being debugged
For any of those using as their preferred programming language, here is the C# code converted to VB.Net for your reference.

Original code from "How much coding is involved?" section.

Code: [Select]
LicenceCheck licenceCheck = new LicenceCheck();
if (!licenceCheck.IsClosing) { if (licenceCheck.IsLicenceValid)
 // code to launch full version of your software
    // code to launch demo version of your software

Code converted from C# to VB.Net

Code: [Select]
Dim licenceCheck As LicenceCheck = New LicenceCheck
If Not licenceCheck.IsClosing Then
    If licenceCheck.IsLicenceValid Then
        ' code to launch full version of your software
        ' code to launch demo version of your software
    End If
End If

Let me know if this helps  :)
General Quantum-key.Net Discussion / Re: Visual studio crashes when DLL added
« Last post by Modulus on May 31, 2018, 09:47:12 am »
So, once I upload my program to Quantum-key, I add the .DLL, and it shouldn't crash?
Sorry but at the moment that is most likely not possible as everything works together. The licence key emailing and validation is triggered by an IPN ping from Paypal when a payment is made and various parts of the automated system rely on parameters being passed through from the site via paypal and back again.  You can link to the sales page on Quantum from your own site if you like, or you could try copying the paypal button code from the sales page on quantum and pasting it on your site but I'm not sure this will work as the domain for the IPN will be different.  There may be a setting in your paypal account to allow this though so may be worth a try.  The paypal payments go directly to your own paypal account anyway so it shouldn't make too much difference whether you use Quantum or your own web page on your site as Quantum doesn't hold your money or anything like that, it goes straight to you at your own paypal account immediately when someone buys.  However, the system adds a loading screen to your app which will always link back to Quantum if the user clicks the buy button there so only people who go directly to your site will be able to buy from there, but anyone using the demo version will pay for their licence via your sales page on quantum.  I may look to change this in future as it may well be possible if there are enough users asking for it :)
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